To Our King, who lovest His subjects as His children,
May your name be praised above all names, glorified above all the unworthy idols in my life.
May Your mighty works never be forgotten or diminished.
May Your words remain forever in the most hallowed places of my heart.
May Your love be the defining element of my character.
May Your holiness be the one source of reverence and fear, the one thing that brings me to my knees.
May Your grace be my joy and my song.
And may You be the center, aim, and love of my life.
God, give me a heart of compassion and sacrifice. Teach me to desire the good of those I love over my own good. Let me endure pain, knowing that through it, I benefit those I love dearly, hence making such pain no pain at all, but joy. Teach me not to be selfish in feeling, but generous in acts, not self-serving in thought, but loving in deeds. And may my mind mold itself to my actions, that I may glorify and serve You in both.
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