What is inspiration?
I ask because I seem to lack it recently.
dictionary.com - oh wait, I mean RANDOM HOUSE DICTIONARY - "an inspiring or animating action or influence," "a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul," "the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation."
urbandictionary.com - "See instead 'plagiarism'," "a word for that special herb," and others too obscene to mention.
So to unpack these definitions...I'll start with the irreverent last two. "See instead 'plagiarism'," and "a word for that special herb." Sometimes I feel that's exactly what my inspiration is. I watch a movie, and am tempted to write a story in the same style, with the same kinds of characters, or with the same plot. It's a "it's-so-good-I-have-to-try-to-do-something-like-it" syndrome. Or perhaps it's a thirst for fame - "hey-guess-what-this-is-awesome-and-famous-and-maybe-if-I-copy-it-I-can-get-awesome-and-famous-too." It's a sad state of affairs.
As for "that special herb," I sometimes use my inspiration like that. I put on my favorite piece of music, or watch an "inspiring" movie, and do so simply to get a high out of it...I don't do any of the things I am inspired to do...I just like the feeling of being inspired. It doesn't do me any good, nor anyone else, either.
Now on to more positive definitions: "An inspiring or animating action or influence." No need for discussion there. Although I do like the use of the word "animating," as in bringing to life. Another key word is "action." It's unusual, but sometimes doing something (rather than passively watching or listening to something) will provide inspiration. Like going for a run. Or making a movie (see last post).
"A divine influence..." I particularly like that one. The idea that God provides me with the words and ideas is a comforting one. This kind of inspiration, although not necessarily recognizable, is the one I consider the best.
The final one is the most literal meaning of inspiration, as taken from the Latin - "in-breathing" or inhalation. I don't really want to write about this one, because I feel as though I would botch the description. I'll let you guys think about it.
"As for "that special herb," I sometimes use my inspiration like that. I put on my favorite piece of music, or watch an "inspiring" movie, and do so simply to get a high out of it...I don't do any of the things I am inspired to do...I just like the feeling of being inspired. It doesn't do me any good, nor anyone else, either."
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES. I do this all the time. SO guilty. And it makes me feel like a waste of space when it wears off.
As for inspiration as a breathing in, I think it continues the idea that our creativity is not our own, that we are tools that only become animated with Another's breath.
I think that inspiration is an abstract process involving the ability to put two and two together and make any number you please.
ReplyDeleteSo you get a concept from somewhere. You see a tree and decide to write about a sentient forest devouring the world (heck, that's not a bad idea. I might have to do that :D); you see a bumblebee and decide to write a song that sounds like a flying bumblebee (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muqflDqEEp8); so on and so forth. Inspiration, as I see it, is all about addition. You find a concept in a movie or a song or a poem and you add to it, twist it around, and put your own stamp on it. That's inspiration as much as seeing a tree and writing about a forest... except the tree cannot sue you if your forest is too similar :D