
On Courage, Muslims, and More

I had a discussion with a friend last night, concerning many things, but mainly centered around God's will and murder and killing (it's a long story/argument, the gist of which I may or may not post at a later time).

But while we were talking about it, the subject of suicide bombing came up. Both he and I agreed that there was something we could learn from Muslim fundamentalists - NOT suicide bombing, but rather the courage to do so, if God willed it. We both thought that such courage was greatly lacking among Christians, particularly in America. Not many of the Christians I know would be willing to study bombmaking for years, and then blow themselves up with one if God called them to do so.

Some might protest, saying that God would never tell anyone to do such a thing. Well, He has in the past. The Canaanites were to be completely wiped out, every man, woman, and child. It was also God's will for Elisha to call out bears to maul children who had done nothing more than tease Him. It was God's will to wipe out the entire population of the earth, minus eight people. Unreasonable? Perhaps. But crazy or not, we as God's people are to be prepared to carry out His will, no matter how cruel or "unreasonable" in our eyes it may be.


  1. Thanks, I've tried to correct that. However, the Koran does demand jihad, so technically, this is the way Muslims "should" be, according to their beliefs. I changed it to Muslim fundamentalists. That's the usual "official" non-derogatory term.

  2. Don't forget when God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac...
