
Things I love...and things I hate

So all the odd numbers will be things I love, and all the even ones, the things I hate. They switch back 'n' forth, y'see.

1. Friends that I can chat with online for hours about deep topics.
2. Friends that attempt to chat with me about nothing - like seriously, guys? You say hi...and then proceed to talk about...absolutely nothing important? awwwwkward.
3. Friends that will talk to me in real life and on chat.
4. Friends that will talk to me on chat...but seem to dislike talking on the phone, or in real life.
5. Fiction/fantasy
6. People who live in a fantasy.
7. Music
8. A "song" in rap. Which is not music.
9. Most books on Christianity.
10. Most Christian books.
11. Cannons
12. Pachelbel's Cannon.
13. Making videos.
14. Watching videos that other normal people made.
15. Smiling
16. Looking at pictures of myself smiling.
17. My college friends
18. Watching my friends leave for college.
19. Complaining in a witty fashion
20. Listening to other people complain in non-witty fashion.


  1. Reading this makes me want to chat with you about deep things. Haha. Do you have gmail?

  2. This is rather amusing and fun-to-read. :D
