
End of Story

The best end to every story is love and the promise of new adventure, particularly after a point where it seemed like the end.

The end of every story should feel like this - a sense of infinite peace. Not that there will be no more troubles, but a knowledge that, when trouble comes, things will turn out for the best. The rest after a great struggle, where one seems all too inadequate. And peace, as you are assured that you are safe, that there is someone out there working for your good. The elation as the losing army sees reinforcements on the battlefield. The exhaustion after a race well-run. The joy of knowing you are loved, after years of uncertainty. Proof, after a lifetime of wandering between doubt and trust. The relief of a project finished and lying there, shining in all its glory, on the table. And the peace and hush of a child asleep.

1 comment:

  1. hmm.

    "Not that there will be no more troubles, but a knowledge that, when trouble comes, things will turn out for the best."

    I like this post. It is hard to write fully satisfying endings.
